Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Rainbow Sock Monkey Hat (Free Pattern)

Okay, so often I find myself annoyed at all the shared photos on my facebook lately. They all just seem to annoy me, but one day I noticed this beautiful picture of a baby in a rainbow tutu and a sock monkey hat with colors at the top. I instantly loved it and I saved it to my computer, and it's a great thing I did. A few days later my little brother (and new dad) saw the picture and requested that I make my niece Madison one. And of course I will make my babies anything because I love them all so much. They had their tutu made elsewhere, and in hot pink, purple and turquoise. 
Since they picture didn't lead to a site I just made my own. Following pretty much the instructions for almost any ear flap hat out there in the world I made it, and I love it. Here are some pictures, and the pattern below. I hope you enjoy. This hat is 0-3 months. But if anyone wants it in another size just let me know and I will post it.

Absolutely adorable right! I thought so.
Hook size H
I used red heart yarn. Whatever colors you want and up to seven.
Sock Monky color yarn is from hobby lobby. REd Heart brand. Color is Aran Fleck.
0-3 month
(I'm going to go by colors as I used them and did them. I will highlight the rounds in the colors that I did them.You can change them up.)

Magic Ring
R1-- Ch 2, 9 Dc into the ring.Join.(9)
R2-- Ch2, 2 Dc in each st around. Join.(18)
R3-- Ch 2, *2 Dc in next st, Dc in next* Repeat around. Join.(27)
R4-- Ch 2, *2 Dc in next st, Dc in next two st* Repeat around. Join.(36)
R5-- Ch 2, *2 Dc in next st, Dc in next three st* Repeat around. Join.(45)
R6-- Ch 2, Dc in each st around. Join. (45)
R7-- Ch 2, Dc in each st around. Join.(45)
R8-11-- Ch2, Dc in each st around. Join.(45)
Don't Finsh off. Just continue.

--Ch 1, Sc in next 10 st. Ch 1, turn.
--Sc2tog, Sc in next six st, Sc2tog. Ch 1, turn.
--Sc in next 8. Ch 1, turn.
--Sc2tog, Sc in next four st, Sc2tog. Ch 1, turn.
--Sc in next 6. Ch 1, turn.
--Sc2tog, Sc in next two st, Sc2tog. Ch 1, turn.
--Sc2tog, Sc2tog. Ch 1, turn.
Finish off.

Skip next nine st in front of hat, and sl st through the 10th st.
--Ch 1, Sc in next 10 st. Ch 1, turn.
--Sc2tog, Sc in next six st, Sc2tog. Ch 1, turn.
--Sc in next 8. Ch 1, turn.
--Sc2tog, Sc in next four st, Sc2tog. Ch 1, turn.
--Sc in next 6. Ch 1, turn.
--Sc2tog, Sc in next two st, Sc2tog. Ch 1, turn.
--Sc2tog, Sc2tog. Ch 1, turn.
Finish off.

--Using white yarn Ch 9, Sc in 2nd st from hook. Crochet across except last st. 3 Sc in last st to round the corner. You will be working in a circle. Sc across except end st where the first Sc started. In that st on the end 2 Sc. Then keep going in the circle motion. Sc across except for two st on the end. 2 Sc in each two st on end. Continue around by Sc in each st across except last two st on end. 2 Sc in each of the two st. Sl st. Finish off. Sew onto hat.
--Using red yarn Ch about 7 ( you may have to eyeball this to make sure it looks good). Sc in 2nd ch from hook. Sc across. Finish off. Sew onto hat.

Magic Loop. Ch 2. 8 Dc in magic loop. Pull together tightly, but don't join. Make two. Sew onto hat.

Sew 2 small black buttons on with white yarn.

Braided tails:
-Cut 2 pink, 2 Blue, and 2 Purple yarn strings about a yard long.
Take one of each color ( 3 strings). Pull through botton of flap and braid it down and tie it off where you want. Repeat this with the last 3 strands of yarn.

I really hope you love this hat because I absolutely do. I found my sock monkey color yarn at hobby lobby, and just let me stop being lazy so I can go see the actual color. I shall now list that at the top. If you would like this in another size just let me know, or you can come to my facebook page ( CrochetGaloreBoutigue) ( https://www.facebook.com/CrochetGaloreBoutique ) and purchase one of these. Let me know if you make this and if you like this. I'm doing this blog so these wonderful free patterns can get out there. And be on the lookout for the baby boy football hat pattern later on tonight that I just completed before I wrote this blog. It's going to take a lot of catching up to do to get all the projects that I have done blogged about, but I will do it.


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