Sunday, July 14, 2013

Crocheting for a cause

Okay, so I know that just about every one who crochets or has a crochet page or site also has their own cause. And that is so great because I totally love making and selling stuff and with my familys tight budget it can come in really handy sometimes. But I also just love to crochet in general. I've always wanted to do something in this world. I know that just me by myself isnt going to change the planet or make any one cause completely better, but I still knew that I wanted to do something in some way. For years. You think I would have just stepped up and done anything, but i guess I'm not that kind of person. And there are so many things out there. I just wanted to find my thing that was right for me and that I could do and would love to do.
So when I started crocheting I quickly became obsessed because I have a tendency to do that with any type of new craft I start. I start something and I dont stop until I can everything in the craft and I have perfected my skills. Though I always thought crocheting was pretty hard and that I wouldnt be able to learn easily. Especially since I dont actually know anyone around me who knows how to do it that could show me or teach me. I couldnt even find any groups or classes online. But I taught myself everything I needed to know with youtube, google and a lot of awesome blogs. 
But back to what I was saying. I knew how much I loved doing it, and that I could just crochet everything all the time and make everyone something really awesome. And I totally wouldnt mind making everyone what they wanted for free and no charge, but we just dont have that kind of money. We are a happy but very tight budget family. I need to started making some money with it if I wanted to continue to buy more yarn and crochet more things. So my amazing friend and I set out on a journey and created a little facebook page because we werent sure how to go about everything else yet. And so we created our facebook, and we dont have many likes or shoppers yet, but you do have a few. Which is wonderful though I still wanted to do something. In some kind of good way to make someone happy. Because I love happy things. Im like a disney princess kinda happy. I like seeing anyone I pass with a smile. I love seeing every cute baby and every old person smiling with their little dogs. When my husband gossips about work, or someone else gossips about someone I do get curious and ask snoopy questions I guess you might say. But I love hearing those happy things. Who cares if its a total stranger getting married. Yay! I want to hear about it. (Hope this post and attitude doesnt annoy anyone. I just like things to work out in life. I know they dont always but I like to enjoy every good thing that I can.)
So my cause came to me. And I havent' made my first donation yet. I'm still filling up my box to take to Childrens Hospital, but I cant wait to see smiling faces. And in my cause maybe they dont smile or have a lot to smile about but if someone is going through a hard time how could you not do whatever you could to just make five minutes of their day better. To get the stress off their  minds. So every time my friend and I make a sale we make a few preemie items for donation to the nicu preemies. And I love it and I love the tiny diaper covers and hats and booties. I can't wait to donate our first boxload of things.
I know this may not be the absolute best cause out there, but its a good one. Think of all those tiny babies. All the ones that dont make it and all the ones that they worry whether they will or wont. My son wasn't a preemie, and he was never in the nicu though we did have a hospital scare this last feb. And that scare terrified me, and the love that I have for my son is so strong that I could never imagine going through that. I can try imagining it, and I cant picure myself making it through. even leaving the hospital room long enough to eat, shower or sleep. Those parents go through a lot! I dont know personally, and I'm glad but maybe our few little doantions will cause even a few smiles or adorable pictures.
My very first 24-30 week preemie set.

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