Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Okay another short post of one my my projects and where I got the awesome free pattern.

Lamb Hat. All sizes. Boy or Girl.

Totally cute right. This is a girl lamb hat for 0-3 months. The pattern I have is for any size and you can do it in grey for a little boy. I made this one for I dont know what yet, but I cannot wait until winter time to use my extra fuzzy yarn to make my niece Madison one. She will look so adorable in it, and I'll have to post the picture. So here comes the information.

Okay so I made this and recently tested it out on my new niece and this pattern will have to be measured when made or made in one size larger. My 0-3 month hat actually made a newborn hat and did not fit my nieces head. But its still totally cute.

Super cute. Super easy for a beginner like me. let me know how much to love it after you crochet it.

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