Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Slouchy Hats (Free and Adorable)

Okay, so after months of making a ton of items and crochet gifts for people I decided to make something for myself. So I got on my pinterest board, and found the cutest hat. So this is not my pattern, but it is free and I just want to share my adorable hat with you and where you can get this awesome pattern. Or you can always visit my facebok page ( CrochetGaloreBoutique ) and purchase one. So here goes. I know you will love it. I do and I actually made two! Next I'll try a child and toddler size. 

See I told you! So eventually if I'm actually talking to someone out there then I can't wait to see your slouchy hat and what colors you choose.  Here is the link the free pattern. 

Okay so yay! Slouchy hat number 2! or actually number one since it is the first one that I actually made. Love this pattern. I have already made two. I just wish this 100 degree weather would go away so that I could enjoy my hats and the things that I am making. Here goes:

Pretty cute. And I'm sure it would look even better on someone else that myself or my couch cushion. Hope you like it and you make one for yourself. Here is the awesome link for this awesome hat. http://www.gleefulthings.com/blog/?p=3258

Hope you love these hats.

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