Sunday, July 28, 2013

Beautiful Crochet Scarfs/ Can Cozie ( Free Patterns)

Okay, so fathers day was last month so I'm a little late on posting this. I really want to catch up on all my projects since I have started crochet, so its getting posted. We don't always have a lot of money, and I swear it always happens about the time a birthday or holiday come up. But I had just recently learned to crochet, and my husband Casey had been begging for a scarf. So that's what I was going to make him. But I didn't want to do a plain and simply all dc scarf that a beginner can do ( tho this pattern is super easy). I got on the much beloved pinterest and found myself a free pattern for a many scarf, and I quickly went to work.

It didn't take long for me to make it. I probably spent a few days on it, but I could only do it the little bit my son napped and when he was asleep at night. Really a few hours is all it should take a decent crochet. Here is the picture of the scarf I picked out for him so you can see. ( I will link to the site for the free pattern farther in the blog.)
 Okay so that is the scarf pattern that I chose to do. And thought personally that it looked very manly. I did not make the hat with it, and maybe I should have. I choose to do my husbands scarf in a dark blue and this is what mine looked like. exactly the same. 
Sorry that it is not modeled on anyone. I thought it was absolutely lovely, and when I showed my husband he agreed. But like most wives I am not stupid and can tell when my husband is lying to me. And I was mad and not mad that he didn't like it at the same time. I was made because I had just spent three days on it when we was saying the whole time it looked awesome. Why not tell me the truth from the beginning. ( Because he didn't want to hurt my feelings) Which is fine but I could have spent that time on something else. He did like the scarf just thought it was very girly. Maybe my midnight blue ( it looks kinda light in the photo) did look kinda girly. But this scarf could really go both ways. This is just more of a city boy scarf compared to what my husband is. He is all country. Which is fine. So I just put it up until the winter time comes when I can either use it, or sell it. It turned out great though. So here is the link to the pattern.

So what did I do for my husband for fathers day you may wonder ( though your probably not) ?
Well I went back to the basics of what I didn't want to do to begin with because I wanted to get fancy, and I made him the plain Jane dc scarf. I also made him and all my guy/father relatives some camo can cozzies. So I got to try my hand a making some new patterns although they were so basic and easy I really have nothing to brag about. Here are some pictures, and then I will write the pattern I used to make them. I also made my grandpa some camo coasters (yes all the boys in my family are pretty much country.). I however regretfully did not take pictures of or write down how I made them. Maybe the next time I'm over there. Well here goes.

Now dont they look good and manly ha ha. This isnt even the scarf finished. My husband requested me to add a little length to it. 

Well you start out with really whatever size needle you want. I think I used an I. Chain to the width that you want it. I knew Casey would like it a thinner scarf. Then you simply dc in second chain from hook and in every chain after that. At the end chain to and trun. Then keep on double crocheting. Go until your desired length for a basic scarf.

I also used an I hook here to I think. I used an actuall can to measure since I didnt have a pattern. And since I didnt write my pattern down you will want to have a can to measure too. Chain around until the two ends connect. Not to loose or it wont look as nice. Join. Chain 2. Dc around . Join. So on until it gets to be the right length. Join like usual. chain 2. dc2tog for the next round. join. and repeat the last line one more time. finish off and there you go. Hope this is easy enough because its really a simple pattern. Thank you

Please dont sell these patterns. sell what you make if you wish. If you would like to order any of these items from me you can visit my facebook page CrochetGaloreBoutique. Here is the link. 


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