Monday, July 15, 2013

Kitchen Towel Holder (Free Pattern)

 Okay so hello everyone. I really wanted a towel that I could hook to something in my kitchen like the millions that you could see, but I didnt want the kitchen towels with the little holders crocheted and sewn together with the towel. So I have looked at a few pictures and made a pattern of a crochet holder that buttons over your stove handle or a drawer handle, and you can just loop any towel you want through the ring. So yay! Made one for me and sold six so  far. Here is the pattern.

First you are going to need something round and sturdy. It just needs to be big enough that you can slip your towel through. A wooden ring, plastic or medal ring. or even a ring of strong wire. I couldn't find anything at the time but some cross stitch rings so that is what I used. 
hook size k
red heart yarn. and I doubled it

sl st  around the ring so that you connect your yarn and ring. Just like if you were going to crochet into a magic loop except your loop is the ring. 
Hdc all the way around. However many it takes to go all the way around your ring.Join in Hdc.
R1-- Chain 2. Dc in next 2 st, Hdc in next 4 st, and 2 Dc in next two st. 
R2-11-- Chain 2. Turn. Hdc in next 8 st.
Finish off. 
Sew button right above the ring.

Hope this pattern was not to hard to understand. Feel free to ask any questions because it is literally the easiest t hing on the planet.  

You can do what you like with the product, but please dont sell the pattern.


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