Monday, July 8, 2013

My story and first afghan pattern.

       Okay, hello everyone out there. This is my very first blog post every, and I must say that I have been very nervous about starting it. I started crocheting in Feb of this year, and new I wanted to start one to keep track of all my crocheting projects. So being nervous and lagging behind I name my finally made blog the Beginning in the middle because I now have to start putting all my projects up even though they are now long past.

       This will be my blog of all the things I try and the sites where I got all of my free patterns, and then a few blogs of the new patterns I have written myself eventually including my new converse pattern which I just finished today. So welcome and if no one enjoys this then at least I have it down for myself.

        So now about myself. I am a stay at home mommy with a very wonderful husband and a wonderful one and a half year old baby boy Bailey. I love my two men more than anything. They are all that comes before my other loves of jewelry making, crocheting, sewing, and general crafting. I love them and I love making stuff. So now that that is done lets get busy with my first project I ever did and still havent finished (tho I have until winter since the afghan will be two heavy and thick to use until then.

        I taught myself to crochet using youtube and google. And I thought that the very first thing I learned was a double crochet, and I was very proud of myself. So I started this afghan and halfway through when I started another project did I start to realize that every time I thought I had been following patterns and double crocheting that I was really single crocheting. So it was the reason I had so much trouble with all my patterns. With that out of the way I could start reading patterns and making projects way better. But my poor afghan had to be continued as a King size single crochet pattern. Which is alot of single crocheting and a lot of time for a king size. Here is the photo followed by the pattern.

            So these are the only photos I could find. I will have to wait until tomorrow to take one of it while its really big.
           Start off  by choosing your colors. i used bulky hometown usa yarn. I used an H hook but you could upsize I just didnt know better on my first project.
           Chain the width that you want your afghan to be.
           Sc in second st from hook. Sc all the way across. Ch 1 and turn
           Countinue on this way.
           I usef four rolls of yarn for every color section.
           Finish off when its the size you want.
           Thanks and I hope that was not to complicated for my first project and all.
You can do what you like with the product, but please dont sell the pattern.

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