Monday, August 12, 2013

Where I've been, n what I've done.

Okay, so I know that I have been gone awhile. But I'm not stopping so soon. I have just had so many hog hat orders and football cocoon orders coming in through my facebook. Not I'm working on filling a vendor for an arts and crafts fair, starting up school again to become a first grade teacher, and playing with my person ( my son). So if there is anyone out there just know I will be back. Be patient and HAPPY CROCHETING!!!!

Here are some photos of what I have been working on lately. I'll get the patterns to these up sometime soon hopefully. Hope you like what you see. 

I love crocheting, and all the wonderful and unique stuff you can do.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

OMG Best Sausage Balls Ever!

1 lb sausage.
16 oz grated medium cheddar cheese
3 cups bisquick.

Cook your meat. Heat your cheese for thirty seconds in large bowl. Mix all together thoroughly. Form into balls. place in a 350F oven for thirteen minutes. So easy. So short. So good. If you have never made these you seriously should. Hope you like them

Beautiful Crochet Scarfs/ Can Cozie ( Free Patterns)

Okay, so fathers day was last month so I'm a little late on posting this. I really want to catch up on all my projects since I have started crochet, so its getting posted. We don't always have a lot of money, and I swear it always happens about the time a birthday or holiday come up. But I had just recently learned to crochet, and my husband Casey had been begging for a scarf. So that's what I was going to make him. But I didn't want to do a plain and simply all dc scarf that a beginner can do ( tho this pattern is super easy). I got on the much beloved pinterest and found myself a free pattern for a many scarf, and I quickly went to work.

It didn't take long for me to make it. I probably spent a few days on it, but I could only do it the little bit my son napped and when he was asleep at night. Really a few hours is all it should take a decent crochet. Here is the picture of the scarf I picked out for him so you can see. ( I will link to the site for the free pattern farther in the blog.)
 Okay so that is the scarf pattern that I chose to do. And thought personally that it looked very manly. I did not make the hat with it, and maybe I should have. I choose to do my husbands scarf in a dark blue and this is what mine looked like. exactly the same. 
Sorry that it is not modeled on anyone. I thought it was absolutely lovely, and when I showed my husband he agreed. But like most wives I am not stupid and can tell when my husband is lying to me. And I was mad and not mad that he didn't like it at the same time. I was made because I had just spent three days on it when we was saying the whole time it looked awesome. Why not tell me the truth from the beginning. ( Because he didn't want to hurt my feelings) Which is fine but I could have spent that time on something else. He did like the scarf just thought it was very girly. Maybe my midnight blue ( it looks kinda light in the photo) did look kinda girly. But this scarf could really go both ways. This is just more of a city boy scarf compared to what my husband is. He is all country. Which is fine. So I just put it up until the winter time comes when I can either use it, or sell it. It turned out great though. So here is the link to the pattern.

So what did I do for my husband for fathers day you may wonder ( though your probably not) ?
Well I went back to the basics of what I didn't want to do to begin with because I wanted to get fancy, and I made him the plain Jane dc scarf. I also made him and all my guy/father relatives some camo can cozzies. So I got to try my hand a making some new patterns although they were so basic and easy I really have nothing to brag about. Here are some pictures, and then I will write the pattern I used to make them. I also made my grandpa some camo coasters (yes all the boys in my family are pretty much country.). I however regretfully did not take pictures of or write down how I made them. Maybe the next time I'm over there. Well here goes.

Now dont they look good and manly ha ha. This isnt even the scarf finished. My husband requested me to add a little length to it. 

Well you start out with really whatever size needle you want. I think I used an I. Chain to the width that you want it. I knew Casey would like it a thinner scarf. Then you simply dc in second chain from hook and in every chain after that. At the end chain to and trun. Then keep on double crocheting. Go until your desired length for a basic scarf.

I also used an I hook here to I think. I used an actuall can to measure since I didnt have a pattern. And since I didnt write my pattern down you will want to have a can to measure too. Chain around until the two ends connect. Not to loose or it wont look as nice. Join. Chain 2. Dc around . Join. So on until it gets to be the right length. Join like usual. chain 2. dc2tog for the next round. join. and repeat the last line one more time. finish off and there you go. Hope this is easy enough because its really a simple pattern. Thank you

Please dont sell these patterns. sell what you make if you wish. If you would like to order any of these items from me you can visit my facebook page CrochetGaloreBoutique. Here is the link. 


Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Football Hat (Free Pattern)

So here is a totally adorable football hat, and the pattern I used on it. Hope you enjoy. Make sure to share if you try this and like it. You can find these on my facebook page ( ), and order it in any size or even with a diaper cover. Please don't sell my pattern. You may use it how you want when its finished. Do give me credit if you sell this hat please. Thanks.

Hook size H
Red Heart Love chocolate 
0-3 month. Will have to request for a bigger size

Magic Ring
R1-- Ch 2, 9 Dc into the ring.Join.(9)
R2-- Ch2, 2 Dc in each st around. Join.(18)
R3-- Ch 2, *2 Dc in next st, Dc in next* Repeat around. Join.(27)
R4-- Ch 2, *2 Dc in next st, Dc in next two st* Repeat around. Join.(36)
R5-- Ch 2, *2 Dc in next st, Dc in next three st* Repeat around. Join.(45)
R6-10 -- Ch 2, Dc in each st around. Join. (45)
Don't Finsh off. Just continue.

--Ch 1, Sc in next 10 st. Ch 1, turn.
--Sc2tog, Sc in next six st, Sc2tog. Ch 1, turn.
--Sc in next 8. Ch 1, turn.
--Sc2tog, Sc in next four st, Sc2tog. Ch 1, turn.
--Sc in next 6. Ch 1, turn.
--Sc2tog, Sc in next two st, Sc2tog. Ch 1, turn.
--Sc2tog, Sc2tog. Ch 1, turn.
Finish off.

Skip next nine st in front of hat, and sl st through the 10th st.
--Ch 1, Sc in next 10 st. Ch 1, turn.
--Sc2tog, Sc in next six st, Sc2tog. Ch 1, turn.
--Sc in next 8. Ch 1, turn.
--Sc2tog, Sc in next four st, Sc2tog. Ch 1, turn.
--Sc in next 6. Ch 1, turn.
--Sc2tog, Sc in next two st, Sc2tog. Ch 1, turn.
--Sc2tog, Sc2tog. Ch 1, turn.

--Sc all the way around and finish off.

Next chain a few chains to make a little row and simply sew that on in its place, and make two smaller ones to go across is like a football.

--For the braids simply cute two brown strands and one white one for each braid. About a yard each. put them together and pull one end through bottom of each ear flap. Braid it as long as you want it and then tie it off.

This pattern is free here, and it is my pattern so please do not sell it. You can do whatever you want with the finished product. If you would like to order one of these you can through my facebook page at .


Rainbow Sock Monkey Hat (Free Pattern)

Okay, so often I find myself annoyed at all the shared photos on my facebook lately. They all just seem to annoy me, but one day I noticed this beautiful picture of a baby in a rainbow tutu and a sock monkey hat with colors at the top. I instantly loved it and I saved it to my computer, and it's a great thing I did. A few days later my little brother (and new dad) saw the picture and requested that I make my niece Madison one. And of course I will make my babies anything because I love them all so much. They had their tutu made elsewhere, and in hot pink, purple and turquoise. 
Since they picture didn't lead to a site I just made my own. Following pretty much the instructions for almost any ear flap hat out there in the world I made it, and I love it. Here are some pictures, and the pattern below. I hope you enjoy. This hat is 0-3 months. But if anyone wants it in another size just let me know and I will post it.

Absolutely adorable right! I thought so.
Hook size H
I used red heart yarn. Whatever colors you want and up to seven.
Sock Monky color yarn is from hobby lobby. REd Heart brand. Color is Aran Fleck.
0-3 month
(I'm going to go by colors as I used them and did them. I will highlight the rounds in the colors that I did them.You can change them up.)

Magic Ring
R1-- Ch 2, 9 Dc into the ring.Join.(9)
R2-- Ch2, 2 Dc in each st around. Join.(18)
R3-- Ch 2, *2 Dc in next st, Dc in next* Repeat around. Join.(27)
R4-- Ch 2, *2 Dc in next st, Dc in next two st* Repeat around. Join.(36)
R5-- Ch 2, *2 Dc in next st, Dc in next three st* Repeat around. Join.(45)
R6-- Ch 2, Dc in each st around. Join. (45)
R7-- Ch 2, Dc in each st around. Join.(45)
R8-11-- Ch2, Dc in each st around. Join.(45)
Don't Finsh off. Just continue.

--Ch 1, Sc in next 10 st. Ch 1, turn.
--Sc2tog, Sc in next six st, Sc2tog. Ch 1, turn.
--Sc in next 8. Ch 1, turn.
--Sc2tog, Sc in next four st, Sc2tog. Ch 1, turn.
--Sc in next 6. Ch 1, turn.
--Sc2tog, Sc in next two st, Sc2tog. Ch 1, turn.
--Sc2tog, Sc2tog. Ch 1, turn.
Finish off.

Skip next nine st in front of hat, and sl st through the 10th st.
--Ch 1, Sc in next 10 st. Ch 1, turn.
--Sc2tog, Sc in next six st, Sc2tog. Ch 1, turn.
--Sc in next 8. Ch 1, turn.
--Sc2tog, Sc in next four st, Sc2tog. Ch 1, turn.
--Sc in next 6. Ch 1, turn.
--Sc2tog, Sc in next two st, Sc2tog. Ch 1, turn.
--Sc2tog, Sc2tog. Ch 1, turn.
Finish off.

--Using white yarn Ch 9, Sc in 2nd st from hook. Crochet across except last st. 3 Sc in last st to round the corner. You will be working in a circle. Sc across except end st where the first Sc started. In that st on the end 2 Sc. Then keep going in the circle motion. Sc across except for two st on the end. 2 Sc in each two st on end. Continue around by Sc in each st across except last two st on end. 2 Sc in each of the two st. Sl st. Finish off. Sew onto hat.
--Using red yarn Ch about 7 ( you may have to eyeball this to make sure it looks good). Sc in 2nd ch from hook. Sc across. Finish off. Sew onto hat.

Magic Loop. Ch 2. 8 Dc in magic loop. Pull together tightly, but don't join. Make two. Sew onto hat.

Sew 2 small black buttons on with white yarn.

Braided tails:
-Cut 2 pink, 2 Blue, and 2 Purple yarn strings about a yard long.
Take one of each color ( 3 strings). Pull through botton of flap and braid it down and tie it off where you want. Repeat this with the last 3 strands of yarn.

I really hope you love this hat because I absolutely do. I found my sock monkey color yarn at hobby lobby, and just let me stop being lazy so I can go see the actual color. I shall now list that at the top. If you would like this in another size just let me know, or you can come to my facebook page ( CrochetGaloreBoutigue) ( ) and purchase one of these. Let me know if you make this and if you like this. I'm doing this blog so these wonderful free patterns can get out there. And be on the lookout for the baby boy football hat pattern later on tonight that I just completed before I wrote this blog. It's going to take a lot of catching up to do to get all the projects that I have done blogged about, but I will do it.


Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Slouchy Hats (Free and Adorable)

Okay, so after months of making a ton of items and crochet gifts for people I decided to make something for myself. So I got on my pinterest board, and found the cutest hat. So this is not my pattern, but it is free and I just want to share my adorable hat with you and where you can get this awesome pattern. Or you can always visit my facebok page ( CrochetGaloreBoutique ) and purchase one. So here goes. I know you will love it. I do and I actually made two! Next I'll try a child and toddler size. 

See I told you! So eventually if I'm actually talking to someone out there then I can't wait to see your slouchy hat and what colors you choose.  Here is the link the free pattern. 

Okay so yay! Slouchy hat number 2! or actually number one since it is the first one that I actually made. Love this pattern. I have already made two. I just wish this 100 degree weather would go away so that I could enjoy my hats and the things that I am making. Here goes:

Pretty cute. And I'm sure it would look even better on someone else that myself or my couch cushion. Hope you like it and you make one for yourself. Here is the awesome link for this awesome hat.

Hope you love these hats.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Kitchen Towel Holder (Free Pattern)

 Okay so hello everyone. I really wanted a towel that I could hook to something in my kitchen like the millions that you could see, but I didnt want the kitchen towels with the little holders crocheted and sewn together with the towel. So I have looked at a few pictures and made a pattern of a crochet holder that buttons over your stove handle or a drawer handle, and you can just loop any towel you want through the ring. So yay! Made one for me and sold six so  far. Here is the pattern.

First you are going to need something round and sturdy. It just needs to be big enough that you can slip your towel through. A wooden ring, plastic or medal ring. or even a ring of strong wire. I couldn't find anything at the time but some cross stitch rings so that is what I used. 
hook size k
red heart yarn. and I doubled it

sl st  around the ring so that you connect your yarn and ring. Just like if you were going to crochet into a magic loop except your loop is the ring. 
Hdc all the way around. However many it takes to go all the way around your ring.Join in Hdc.
R1-- Chain 2. Dc in next 2 st, Hdc in next 4 st, and 2 Dc in next two st. 
R2-11-- Chain 2. Turn. Hdc in next 8 st.
Finish off. 
Sew button right above the ring.

Hope this pattern was not to hard to understand. Feel free to ask any questions because it is literally the easiest t hing on the planet.  

You can do what you like with the product, but please dont sell the pattern.


Sunday, July 14, 2013

Crocheting for a cause

Okay, so I know that just about every one who crochets or has a crochet page or site also has their own cause. And that is so great because I totally love making and selling stuff and with my familys tight budget it can come in really handy sometimes. But I also just love to crochet in general. I've always wanted to do something in this world. I know that just me by myself isnt going to change the planet or make any one cause completely better, but I still knew that I wanted to do something in some way. For years. You think I would have just stepped up and done anything, but i guess I'm not that kind of person. And there are so many things out there. I just wanted to find my thing that was right for me and that I could do and would love to do.
So when I started crocheting I quickly became obsessed because I have a tendency to do that with any type of new craft I start. I start something and I dont stop until I can everything in the craft and I have perfected my skills. Though I always thought crocheting was pretty hard and that I wouldnt be able to learn easily. Especially since I dont actually know anyone around me who knows how to do it that could show me or teach me. I couldnt even find any groups or classes online. But I taught myself everything I needed to know with youtube, google and a lot of awesome blogs. 
But back to what I was saying. I knew how much I loved doing it, and that I could just crochet everything all the time and make everyone something really awesome. And I totally wouldnt mind making everyone what they wanted for free and no charge, but we just dont have that kind of money. We are a happy but very tight budget family. I need to started making some money with it if I wanted to continue to buy more yarn and crochet more things. So my amazing friend and I set out on a journey and created a little facebook page because we werent sure how to go about everything else yet. And so we created our facebook, and we dont have many likes or shoppers yet, but you do have a few. Which is wonderful though I still wanted to do something. In some kind of good way to make someone happy. Because I love happy things. Im like a disney princess kinda happy. I like seeing anyone I pass with a smile. I love seeing every cute baby and every old person smiling with their little dogs. When my husband gossips about work, or someone else gossips about someone I do get curious and ask snoopy questions I guess you might say. But I love hearing those happy things. Who cares if its a total stranger getting married. Yay! I want to hear about it. (Hope this post and attitude doesnt annoy anyone. I just like things to work out in life. I know they dont always but I like to enjoy every good thing that I can.)
So my cause came to me. And I havent' made my first donation yet. I'm still filling up my box to take to Childrens Hospital, but I cant wait to see smiling faces. And in my cause maybe they dont smile or have a lot to smile about but if someone is going through a hard time how could you not do whatever you could to just make five minutes of their day better. To get the stress off their  minds. So every time my friend and I make a sale we make a few preemie items for donation to the nicu preemies. And I love it and I love the tiny diaper covers and hats and booties. I can't wait to donate our first boxload of things.
I know this may not be the absolute best cause out there, but its a good one. Think of all those tiny babies. All the ones that dont make it and all the ones that they worry whether they will or wont. My son wasn't a preemie, and he was never in the nicu though we did have a hospital scare this last feb. And that scare terrified me, and the love that I have for my son is so strong that I could never imagine going through that. I can try imagining it, and I cant picure myself making it through. even leaving the hospital room long enough to eat, shower or sleep. Those parents go through a lot! I dont know personally, and I'm glad but maybe our few little doantions will cause even a few smiles or adorable pictures.
My very first 24-30 week preemie set.

Toddler Size Chef Hat

Hello crocheters! Hope you had a great weekend. I have been very busy for the last few days, so I haven't been able to post. But I'm not giving it up just when I started it. Instead of posting last night I was up crochet a wonderful chef hat that I am selling on my facebook page . It is a free pattern that I got from a wonderful blog which I will give all the credit to. I first made it for my son and it was too big, so I redid it and it was to small. So when I sold one this weekend I wanted to get the sizing for a toddler size head perfect, and after a little bit of playing I got it. So this is how are some pictres of my son in his and then the site for the pattern, and then changes that I made to make it fit an actual toddler size head. Later I will make my own adult size pattern if anyone besides me things that is an awesome idea.

Okay, so if you just love this chef hat and want one for your toddler the click the link below although I do recommend looking at the changes below that I made. It will make a better fit for any toddlers witht he head size 18 - 22 inches. And thank you so much for the wonderful blogger who came up with this pattern and posted it for free. I love it! And I can't wait to adjust it to an adult size.

The changes I made was just for the brim to fit around the head. Ill just rewrite the rounds how i did them.
I did the first 15 rounds regular. When I got to round 16 I just redid fifteen on that round. And then for my round 17 I did *dc2tog, dc in next 26* repeat until round is complete. For round 18 I just did one dc in each st around. And then my rounds 19-28 were the same as her rounds 18-27. Hope this pattern works wonders for you. Coming up later tonight are my new lovely towel holders with the pattern that I wrote myself. Yay. Free of course because you shouldnt have to pay for crochet patterns in my belief. 

You can do what you like with the product, but please dont sell the pattern.


Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Flower Petal Bonnet

Okay so I know I only had a stuffed alligator to try it on, but thats what happens when you have a boy. This is 0-3 month size, and as soon as I can get my hands on my new little niece then I will test it out on her I can't wait. I searched and searched for this free pattern. I like things that look nice. Just because it is free does not mean that I like stuff that does not look good. I'm not sure that I did this pattern perfectly but it came out great. Here is the link. Come in a ton of sizes.

This blog site has a ton of free patterns that are so cute, so thank you the writer and amazing giver of Bursting stitches. I just wish I had a lil girl of my own to make this for.

Okay, So I finally got to test this gorgeous hat out on my niece and it was so cute. Here are the pictures. And dont forget to check my facebook page out to order some of these awesome items or more. ( )

Okay another short post of one my my projects and where I got the awesome free pattern.

Lamb Hat. All sizes. Boy or Girl.

Totally cute right. This is a girl lamb hat for 0-3 months. The pattern I have is for any size and you can do it in grey for a little boy. I made this one for I dont know what yet, but I cannot wait until winter time to use my extra fuzzy yarn to make my niece Madison one. She will look so adorable in it, and I'll have to post the picture. So here comes the information.

Okay so I made this and recently tested it out on my new niece and this pattern will have to be measured when made or made in one size larger. My 0-3 month hat actually made a newborn hat and did not fit my nieces head. But its still totally cute.

Super cute. Super easy for a beginner like me. let me know how much to love it after you crochet it.

Barefoot sandals. (Totally rockin free pattern might I add)

Okay so I'm going to try to do a series of post of the projects I have done and where I got the patterns. None of you out there probably know me, but if you did you would know that I love a good deal and hate paying for anything that I dont have to. If I can make it myself for less then why buy it. With our small son my husband and I are not exactly the richest people on the planet. So I love to search for the perfect free patterns online. So onwards to my few fun short posts for the night! I hope you enjoy the free patterns provided from awesome other people out there, and that you like my own finished projects.

Barefoot Sandals.

Okay so you can't lie. You totally love these sandals right. I love that my feet can look totally awesome when I'm walking around the house. Or in my situation I feel weird barefooted around anyone I dont live with, so these are cool for that reason. My feet dont feel naked. And it helps how cute they are. When I first saw this pattern I liked it because it reminded me of my friend Charettie. But I put it to the side because I was a beginner and it was just sideways stitching like a blanket or scarf. Turned out it was really easy. I did have trouble reading the pattern at first, so my first one was not perfect, but it did not take me long. Though the pattern seemed to fit size ten. which was much to big for me. So my advice is to figure the pattern out and then instead of having seven hole spaces on the first row count it out so tht you only have six. That will cover size seven to nine. Here is the link. I know no one cares what I have to say personally. 

The pattern is on the Lion brand website. The pattern number is 
Pattern: W50569

Please let me know when you make these and how much you love them. HAPPY CROCHETING

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Outdoor toddler boy hat (my second pattern).

       Okay, so in my last post I told you how when I first learned to crochet I thought I was double crocheting when I was really single crocheting. So when I tried making my new niece a hat my pattern kept coming out really funny, and then I decided to make my son Bailey a hat. He is one and a half so requires a toddler size hat. So I will post the picture which is totally cute. It looks like a cute little fisher hat and its just adorable on my son. After not following the pattern like I thought I was and then adding some on my own I guess I just ended up writting my own entire pattern by accident. So here it is. Have fun.

                 * First off I'm giving the pattern I think I did. It's been a few months since I accidentily made this        
                    hat. And its really hard to count single crochets.
                 * Okay you can use regular size yarn or baby yarn for a softer one. I just used red heart.
                 * Hook size G
                 * In this pattern instead of going thru the whole stitch I only went thru one strand. Creating a line              
                  Chain four. Sl st in beginning chain (forming a ring)
                  R1: Make on chain stitch. Then work 13 Sc into ring. Join. (13)
                  R2: Chain 1. Do not turn. 2 Sc in each st around. Join. (26)
                  R3: Chain 1. *1 Sc in next st. 2 Sc in next st.* Repeat around. Join. (39)
                  R4: Chain 1. *1 Sc in next 2 st. 2 Sc in next st.* Repeat around. Join. (52)
                  R5: Chain 1. *1 Sc in next 3 st. 2 Sc in next st.* Repeat around. Join. (65)
                  R6: Chain 1. 1 Sc in each st around. Join. (65)
                  R7-22: Chain 1. 1 Sc in each st around. Join. (65)
                  R23: (Edging) *Chain 1. Sc in 1st stitch.* Repeat in each st around. sl st to join.
                  Finish off.

                  This hat fits my son perfectly. I hope you like it. Now I would like to give the site for the hat I wanted to originally make but came nowhere near close to it. And I want to thank them for helping me accidentily make my own pattern. And now I would love to show you what this hat looks like if you follow it exactly except use a single crochet. It still makes a lovely hat for an infant if you add a pretty flower or something.

You can do what you like with the product, but please dont sell the pattern.
HAPPY CROCHETING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, July 8, 2013

My story and first afghan pattern.

       Okay, hello everyone out there. This is my very first blog post every, and I must say that I have been very nervous about starting it. I started crocheting in Feb of this year, and new I wanted to start one to keep track of all my crocheting projects. So being nervous and lagging behind I name my finally made blog the Beginning in the middle because I now have to start putting all my projects up even though they are now long past.

       This will be my blog of all the things I try and the sites where I got all of my free patterns, and then a few blogs of the new patterns I have written myself eventually including my new converse pattern which I just finished today. So welcome and if no one enjoys this then at least I have it down for myself.

        So now about myself. I am a stay at home mommy with a very wonderful husband and a wonderful one and a half year old baby boy Bailey. I love my two men more than anything. They are all that comes before my other loves of jewelry making, crocheting, sewing, and general crafting. I love them and I love making stuff. So now that that is done lets get busy with my first project I ever did and still havent finished (tho I have until winter since the afghan will be two heavy and thick to use until then.

        I taught myself to crochet using youtube and google. And I thought that the very first thing I learned was a double crochet, and I was very proud of myself. So I started this afghan and halfway through when I started another project did I start to realize that every time I thought I had been following patterns and double crocheting that I was really single crocheting. So it was the reason I had so much trouble with all my patterns. With that out of the way I could start reading patterns and making projects way better. But my poor afghan had to be continued as a King size single crochet pattern. Which is alot of single crocheting and a lot of time for a king size. Here is the photo followed by the pattern.

            So these are the only photos I could find. I will have to wait until tomorrow to take one of it while its really big.
           Start off  by choosing your colors. i used bulky hometown usa yarn. I used an H hook but you could upsize I just didnt know better on my first project.
           Chain the width that you want your afghan to be.
           Sc in second st from hook. Sc all the way across. Ch 1 and turn
           Countinue on this way.
           I usef four rolls of yarn for every color section.
           Finish off when its the size you want.
           Thanks and I hope that was not to complicated for my first project and all.
You can do what you like with the product, but please dont sell the pattern.